
Save some (ginger) bread: How to budget for the holidays

The holidays are upon us. Our stores are filled with decorations and seasonal treats. Our relatives are making travel plans. And companies are already pushing their latest and greatest for holiday gifts. Which means it’s time to start planning for the holidays.

By Jenesy Gabrielle Burkett

Money & Career

Make that money, spend that money… wisely

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4 financial influencers you should be following

Learning how to properly manage your money in a world that prioritizes spending over saving can be a very difficult thing. Trust me, I completely get it.

By Kalijah Rahming

Work & Productivity

Why your to-do list is stressing you out

By Jenesy Gabrielle Burkett



10 college resources you’re already paying for (but probably not using)

By Jenesy Gabrielle Burkett


What I wish I knew before pursuing my master’s degree

By Jenesy Gabrielle Burkett


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