A guide to manifesting

Written by Ehiko Odeh

Manifesting refers to the ability to visualize and effortfully bring ideas, plans and desires to fruition. It’s consciously co-creating something and reaching the life you deserve or desire. Manifestation is attracting what you already are. Within all of us lies an inner child and due to mental conditioning and programming, our true selves and aspirations may have been suppressed. You get older and find out that you stopped doing the things you once loved or aren’t as confident. Either way, that person and those desires and goals still exist inside of you; you're just enabling the belief that you can bring it forward. Manifesting is about living a life of abundance by being in alignment with yourself and source. 

When learning about manifestation, it’s vital to acknowledge and tune into the source of all things—  the creator, God, the universe, the unlimited power and life force energy within and around us. 

The phrase “Word Sound Power” refers to how the tongue, mind and heart are very powerful. It's important to be mind-full of our words. What we think, say or write about ourselves consciously or subconsciously can show up into our reality, physically, emotionally or psychologically.

For example, let’s say you keep calling yourself broke and traumatized. Your reality will ultimately be a reflection of that— not because you deserve it, but because you believe that is what you are. If you believe you are broke and don’t have enough opportunities to make money, then you will believe that you can’t heal from your trauma and you may be stuck in the state of victimhood and lack. 

Manifesting requires belief and active co-creation. It focuses on choosing a different perspective to look at your situations to build yourself up, even on the hard days. It all starts with you and the energy you’re putting out. Reflecting on the things you deserve, actively working on it and believing that they can happen will allow those things to become a reality.. 

As much as we have the power to call things into fruition, it’s important to not abuse the word or use it recklessly.You cannot manifest without doing the work. We manifest what we focus on. Sometimes you already have all the tools you need, but you’re simply  not working with what you have. 

Here are some steps to help you get clearer on what you want to bring forward

Set your intention

When manifesting, you need to be as specific as possible. Just like when making a food order, you should write out exactly what you want in detail. The clearer and more specific your intentions are, the better the results will be. Journaling is a great way to set intentions, track progress and reflect on your journey. Other ways of setting intentions are through prayer, speaking your intentions out loud with confidence (using words like “I am” and “I will”), vision boards, meditation and visualization.

Release limiting beliefs

Having and embodying limiting beliefs slows down our growth and clouds our judgment. Limiting beliefs are judgments, opinions and thoughts we have placed upon ourselves or society places on us due to religion, race, sex and class. When we are not aware of limiting beliefs, we can be our biggest enemy and critic.

Recognizing your worth and unlearning the limiting beliefs you have about yourself will allow you to be a limitless being. Try not to limit your manifestations to solely material things— manifest good health, peace, stability and other positive values for yourself. Material possessions are replaceable, but a positive mindset will carry you a long way.

Release to receive

Releasing things or people that aren’t serving you or elevating your spirit is important in order to make room for the newness that is about to come into your life.. Outgrowing people, places and things is part of life. Honour it, make space for your emotions and welcome newness with love.

Do the work and be patient!

This is where the authenticity comes in. Ask yourself if you actually put in the work or sit in your bed binge watching Netflix all day expecting a miracle to happen. A lot of people feel entitled to things without doing the work and want their lives to change overnight. With discipline comes consistency!

Actively working towards your goals is a sure way of receiving what you have set in your intentions. Let's say you want to have an art show and sell most of your pieces. Networking with people in that field and involving friends, whether through social media or by talking to the locals, can make a difference. Putting in the work to connect with people in real life can make a big difference in achieving a goal. You never know where your next blessing will meet, so be patient with the process.

Practice gratitude

Gratitude is an attitude, it's also a choice — it’s important to be grateful for even the little things.. Don’t wait until something great happens before you show gratitude. Gratitude is one practice I can say changed my perspective on life. Giving thanks for everything and every moment and trusting the divine timing of everything will help you focus on the good things in life. It's infectious and allows more blessings to flow.

Be Present

The quickest way to get what you want is to stay present. It's so easy to get distracted and lose focus. How many of us can say we show up to our lives everyday? A lot of us are addicted to our outer world, myself included. We allow our thoughts and patterns to linger in the past or the future and we forget to appreciate the sweet gift of living in the now. Attention goes where energy flows, so it is essential to become aware of where you are placing your attention. 

Our subconscious mind is like a child. Whatever you feed your body and mind, the more it grows and the more you become prone to that habit or thing. If all your attention is put solely into the material and external world, how much energy is left for your inner world? How much energy do you have left to co-create your new reality? How much creative energy will you have left? If your external reality is controlling your feelings and thought patterns, it is important to break away and journey within. Take at least an hour a day to check in with yourself and refocus your intentions. Affirmations are a great way to start manifestations. I like to use affirmations in real time. Here are some affirmations to help you manifest abundance:

“Abundance is my birthright and I embody that energy with gratitude.

I have everything that I need.  

I am more than enough.”

As the @thehoodhealer says, “you cannot manifest what you do not feel worthy of.”

Doubting yourself while manifesting won't serve your highest good. You can never expect where abundance comes from so keep your heart open. Remember to share the things you receive for that attracts more abundance towards you.

Give thanks, 


Header photo by (Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels)


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